Can Solar Inc. (www.CanSolarInc.com) s a R&D based company, we have our own designed products, such as battery energy storage system (BESS), solar DC PV array combiner box, solar inline blocking diode and, 24V / 48V LiFePO4 battery pack.
We developed micro-grid system for a USA based comapny in year 2021.
Can Solar Inc. has signed an exclusive agreement as a sole distributor in India for Solar and Battery Storage DC Disconnect, Breaker, Fuse/fuseholder as well as EV charger.
亞太集能(有)專注於創新產品提供太陽能安裝領域,如太陽能直流匯流盒、串列(外掛式)防逆流二極體、磷酸鋰鐵家用/商用儲能系統、24V / 48V 磷酸鋰鐵電池組。
亞太集能(有)取得印度地區直流隔離開關, 斷路器, 保險絲(座)獨家經銷
Find a Battery Energy Storage, Battery Pack?
all-in-one solar / utility Power Bank design and installation
calculating how large a battery pack for your application
Design a micro-grid System
Solar system from kW to MW, deployment in our world unique combiner box and SMA string inverter or so.
Pick DC components for solar & battery?
Afordble DC 1kV / 1.5kV solar/battery storage disconnect/breaker, fuse/fuseholder and SPD